recreational pilot permitPilot-Permit Recreational
On Aug. 1, 1995, Transport Canada launched the Pilot
Permit - Recreational Aeroplanes (PPR). This is the result of a joint
government/industry effort to introduce a reduced requirement, reduced privilege
pilot licence. PPR training is currently available on only certified airplanes,
but once the permit is obtained, it may be used to fly ultralights. The PPR is
called a "permit" because it does not meet an international standard and is not
yet valid for flying outside of Canada.
PPR Minimum Requirements
Medical - Class 4 - a self-declared medical co-signed by
any physician
Students - minimum 14 years old
Recreational Pilot Permit holders - minimum 16 years old
Minimum flying time:
25 hours total
15 hours dual, including two hours cross-country
five hours solo
training includes aggravated stalls, short and soft field
does not include spins, solo cross-country or instrument
Flight Test - with DFTEs to Flight Test Standards - RPP (TP
Ground School - approved course based on Study and
Reference Guide for RPP (TP 12467E)
written exam administered like Private Pilot - pass mark
is 60 per cent in each of four subjects
PPR Privileges
Flight in ultralights and single-engine, non-high
performance aircraft * (see below)
Aircraft no larger than
four-passenger with no more than one passenger carried.
Day, VFR, Canada only
Land and water (cross-over with
All PPR training completed in certified or O-M aircraft
may be counted toward a Private
Pilot Licence.
Non-High Performance
Aircraft with a minimum flight crew of one, a Vne (never
exceed) below 250 knots IAS and a Vso below 80 knots IAS. For amateur-built
aeroplanes, a wing loading below 13.3 lbs/sq ft without flaps or 20.4 lbs/sq ft
with flaps.