how to choose the right flight school

Cost of Course
If the school quotes you a price for training at FAA or CAA  Minimum requirements be sure to find out how much time their average student requires for completion. The total cost may vary significantly from the quoted price.

Will you be able to complete your training without the need of financial aid? If not, can you afford to take out a loan?

Evaluation Flight
Take an evaluation flight with an instructor to see if you like the schools training procedures. Are you comfortable with the equipment that they use?

Find out what the instructor to student ratio is. Will it be possible to schedule flights as often as you want to fly?

Does the school own the aircraft that they fly and do they have a mechanic on hand to maintain them? Make sure that down time due to mechanical reasons will be minimal.

Geographic Region/Time of Year
There are pros & cons of flying out of different parts of the country and during different seasons. Will the school experience weather conditions that may delay your training? Depending on this issue, it may be optimal to wait a few months before you start training, or to choose a school in a different area.

Speak to Students
Are current students happy with the training that they have received? What aspects of the school do they like? What has frustrated them? Speaking to current students is one of the best ways to learn more about a school.

What are your aviation goals? Will this school be able to help you along the way to make them possible?

Classroom vs Computer training for knowledge test
Do you prefer to learn in a classroom environment with other students, or on your own through computer training? Does this school offer the option that's best for you?

UK flying schools

  • Find out where the school is based.  Is it within a reasonable distance from your home?
  • Take the opportunity to visit the various school's in person.
  • Check the costs of training at different school's. 
  • Check whether ground school costs are included within the price quoted.
  • Ask what type of fleet the school has and are the aircraft well maintained.
  • Ask what  the aircraft availability is like.
  • Ask the school whether you will have a personal instructor or different instructors throughout your training.
  • When visiting the school  make sure you feel comfortable within that particular environment.
  • Try and speak to other students that have used or are using the school and get their opinion.
  • Check whether the school has a resident CAA Authorised Examiner.
  • For more information on individual schools click on any available web links.

flight schools abroad

  • Does the school offer JAA Approved Training?

  • Do you know anyone who has trained at that school? How did they find it?

  • Does the course include accommodation?

  • How much money do you need for every day living expenses?

  • What is the policy if you do not complete the course within the time stipulated?

  • Are the aircraft at the school, types you will be using back in the UK?

  • Speak to the school on the telephone. Ensure all the information about the school is sent to you prior to securing a place on the course.