radio communicationsCommunication is of paramount
importance in aviation. If a communication is misunderstood, incorrect, or
garbled, even the simplest message can lead to a lapse in safety. The goal of
all communications is to provide unambiguous, correct, and current information
and clearances to aircrews and controllers.
Communication is a process
of sending information from a transmitter to a receiver using some means of
transmission. In aviation we usually think of two-way communication by voice
using radio as the means of transmission. This could be a pilot to a controller
or a controller to a pilot. Other possibilities exist. An airline flight crew
could be communicating with their "company" or specifically their airline's
operations department for information or feedback. A private or corporate pilot
could talk with "UNICOM," a fixed base operation (FBO), at an airport to obtain
the current weather data, or verify runway operations or to arrange ground
transportation or fuelling.
Both air traffic controller and pilot/co-pilot act as a sender and
receiver of communication.
All civil aircraft radio communications transmit and receive on the aircraft
band of frequencies 118.000 MHz to 135.975 MHz. "MHz" is the abbreviation for
megahertz. The radio works using the "simplex" system, meaning only one person
can talk at a time. The microphone is keyed and the person talks. Upon
completing that communication, he/she releases the switch and listens. The
person receiving the message then keys his/her microphone and talks. Both cannot
talk at the same time as their simultaneous transmissions will block out each
other's signal.
Emergencies are broadcast using the international
distress frequencies of 121.5 or 243 MHz. Broadcasting on 121.5 MHz gets
attention quickly.
Some radio transmissions are recorded and broadcast
for flight crews to access at any time. Automated Terminal Information Service
(ATIS) with current local airport information is available by radio or telephone
at towered airports. Computer-generated automated weather reports are available
at many towered and un-towered airports by radio or telephone. Learning how to
speak in aviation language via the radio is crucial to maintaining safety in the