approach indicators
A pilot should always be able to control his/her descent down onto the
runway in good visibility. However, many airfields operate approach
indicators. These are a range of lights alongside the runway placed just
after the threshold. T
Visual Approach Slope Indicators (VASI)
are normally used both during the day and night. They provide the
pilot with an “onslope” glideslope angle of approximately 3 degrees,
depending on the local authority rules, which normally are based on the
most common class of aircraft that the airfield is used for. If the
airfield is for military fighter aircraft the slope is normally high, 3
degrees or just a fraction above. If it is more commonly used for say
Jumbo Jets the glidepath is more likely to be in the region of 2.75
degrees. The 2-bar
VASIS has 2 ranks of lights. Each rank may consist of one light or two
lights side by side. The pilot is “on glide slope” as shown in the centre
diagram (red over white). If he is too high both ranks will show white, as
on the right in the diagram. If too low then both ranks will indicate red
as shown on the left.
The 3 bar VASIS has 3 ranks of lights, The
two centre show “on glide path” indications. The leftmost is a low path,
and the rightmost is a high path. The all red is too low. The all white
indication is too high.
Precision Approach Path
Indicator (PAPI)
Another approach slope indicator is the Precision Approach Path Indicator.
The system provides a more precise glideslope indication than does VASIS
when all 4 lights are white, you are too high. When all are red, you are
too low. When 2 are red and 2 are white you are on the correct glideslope.
Three white on the left indicate that you are slight too high while three
red indicate that you are slightly too low. Again the system is set for
the average aircraft using the particular airfield.
The Tri-Colour
system is a single light that projects 3 colours. The above glide path
indication is amber. On glide slope is Green. Below glide slope is red.
When the aircraft descends from green to red, the pilot may see amber
during the transition.
There is a similar system called the
Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Indicator. It is somewhat similar to
the Tri-colour except a solid white indicates on glide path; steady red on
a slightly low path. Pulsating white indicates too high. Pulsating red
means too low.