anatomy of a landing
by A. Howard Hasbrook
There's an old saying that "a good landing requires a good approach"
and conversely a poor approach means a poor landing. ..." and basically
these are correct. The approach is the primary key to putting the airplane
on the ground where the pilot wants it, at the right speed and in the
proper attitude.
What is the "secret" of making a good approach? It's keeping the
airplane on a constant - angle descent, with the flight path lined up with
the centreline of the runway and intersecting the runway near the desired
touchdown point. That path also must be of sufficient length to give the
pilot enough time to make the necessary corrections to get "her in the
groove" before it's time to flare and to recheck his gear -
down-and-locked lights.
To keep the airplane on a straight flight path to the runway requires
control of several variables. These are aircraft speed (horizontal and
vertical) and heading (usually, control of the latter is complicated by
crosswind). The need for speed control cannot be overemphasized. It is
absolutely essential, not only from the point of view of making precise
landing approaches, but also in relation to providing adequate aircraft
performance and control during routine and emergency situations.
We have seen more approaches - and subsequent landings - messed up by
poor airspeed control than by any other factor. This is because changes in
airspeed result in changes in lift, groundspeed, vertical speed, flight
path profile, flight path angle and in the subsequent point of touchdown.
Changes in airspeed usually occur because the pilot fails to maintain a
constant pitch angle for a given thrust condition. Such pitch changes,
regardless of whether they're pilot induced or produced by rough air,
cause changes in lift, and in vertical speed, resulting in an undulating
flight path.
We have also seen excess speed creep into the approach - increasing the
chance of overshooting - simply because the pilot failed to realize that a
constant throttle setting will result in a constant increase in power as
the aircraft descends into more dense air ... a thousand foot decrease in
altitude will increase manifold pressure about 1 in., producing a
significant increase in thrust. Hence, to maintain constant speed, thrust
(not throttle position) should be held constant along with constant pitch
Once a pilot has the proper airspeed and thrust numbers memorized and
nailed down, he can devote the bulk of his attention to analyzing the
essential visual cues for maintaining the desired flight path to the
Although most pilots are not consciously aware of these cues, the
decreasing distance between the top of the runway and the horizon, the
uniform visual widening and lengthening of the runway triangle, the
straightness of the runway image - or its lean - and the speed and
direction of flow of the intervening terrain toward and past the pilot (as
seen in his peripheral vision) are all used to evaluate progress of the
approach. And, this evaluation capability can become extraordinarily
efficient through practice, so long as the pilot knows what to look for.
For example, he can, through psychological reinforcement during daytime
approaches, come to associate decreasing altitude with the illusion of
increasing groundspeed seen through the sides of his eyes. As the terrain
flows past the aircraft, the more rapid the flow, the lower he expects his
altitude to be. Conversely, a decrease in flow speed will mean a higher
Thus, during an approach in a strong headwind, a pilot may
inadvertently descend below the proper glide path because of his
impression he is too high. (The reverse of this visual illusion can occur
during a downwind turn at low altitude. This has caused pilots to pull up
- and stall - because the increase in ground speed gave them the
impression they were losing altitude.)
Constant widening of the runway outline, as a function of decreasing
distance between the aircraft and the runway, is another important cue
used by the pilot to assess the correctness of his approach. However, to be used effectively, it has to be combined with the
progressive vertical lengthening of the runway image, as well as with the
decrease in the vertical distance between the horizon and the top of the
runway. Since these are the only cues available at night, it is probable
that the functional relationship of these cues are the ones which the
pilot most often used to maintain a straight line descent to the runway.
Unfortunately, not all runways are of the same length and width -
varying in length from 1500 to 15,000 ft. and in width from 50 to 200 ft.
Since possible combinations of runway width-to-length are many, it becomes
apparent that the use of runway outline cues is not a simple task, because
of the various ratios involved. For this reason, pilots should be very
cautious, and very alert, when making an approach to an unfamiliar
airport, particularly at night.
Expansion theory relates to the apparent
outward movement of terrain from the point where the flight path
intercepts the runway. The author uses the no-vertical motion area in the
same way to determine the intersection point. Everything above this area
appears to move toward the horizon, everything below it toward the
aircraft or obliquely downward. The consecutively larger trapezoids
illustrate the appearance of the runway as it grows uniformly larger as
the aircraft flies nearer on an ideal approach path.
As noted before, with constancy of airspeed, pitch attitude and thrust
- and of wind - the flight path, and its angle, will remain constant.
This, in turn, will also result in a constant rate of change in the
angular and dimensional relationship of the runway image. This constancy,
as well as that of increase in apparent ground speed, are valuable visual
If a pilot has difficulty in flying consistently good approaches, he
may need to look more attentively for these cues. One way is by
investigating the runway scene visually while a pilot companion flies a
series of approaches from the right seat - using straight flight paths as
well as others with rather wide vertical and horizontal variations - until
the observer becomes visually aware of the rate and size differences in
the appearance of the runway during the correct and incorrect types of
approaches. Without the distraction and responsibility of flying the
airplane himself, the visual variations in rates of change of runway size,
and angular spread and changes in ground flow velocity should soon become
vividly apparent.
Another problem that some pilots encounter is that of trying to
visualize the proper flight path angle to the point of intended touchdown.
On numerous occasions, we have seen private and commercial pilots start
their descents so far from the airport that the flight path if continued
at the same angle would have intercepted the ground a mile or more short
of the runway.
When approaches are made from two or three miles out, an error of only
a few degrees in the flight path angle will result in large under or
overshoots. If the approach path is begun at
about 525 ft. above airport level at a distance of 10,000 ft. from the
runway, a 2 deg flight path, if continued without correction, would put
the touchdown point almost 1/2 mi beyond the far end of the runway. On the
other hand, a 4 deg flight path angle would put the aircraft into the
ground 1/2 mile short of the runway unless a correction was made soon
enough. At night, incidentally, the surrounding terrain cues showing need
for such a correction are often quite meagre and almost undetectable -
which could account for the rather large incidence of VFR night landing
approach accidents, in which aircraft hit short of the runway.
Thus, it is obvious that the pilot must be able to determine his flight
path to the desired spot without having to make corrections later on in
the approach.
Some pilots say they use a spot on the windshield as a form of gunsight
to initiate and then hold a constant flight path angle. However, if one
examines this technique in detail, some of its problems become readily
apparent. For example, unless one is operating in extremely smooth air,
aircraft pitch angle will normally vary a few degrees with average pilot
handling. At a 30 inch distance (windshield spot to pilot's eye) only a 2
deg change in aircraft pitch will involve about a 1/2 inch movement of the
spot; a movement that would be most difficult to nail down against the
runway in any kind of turbulence - which exists almost constantly near the
ground on warm or windy days. In addition, vertical movement of the
pilot's head and eyes add error to this method. Thus, using a windshield
spot as an aiming device can easily cause the pilot to overshoot or
undershoot, since a one degree error can put him half a mile or more on
either side of his intended landing spot.
In choosing an approach angle best suited to ordinary conditions, it
should be kept in mind that the glide paths in most VASI's and ILS's are
set at 2 1/2 deg to 3 deg. Approaches made at these angles with
conventional, fixed-wing aircraft result in airspeed and vertical speed
envelopes that provide adequate control, reasonable landing gear loads at
touchdown and safe rollout distances. Therefore, unless one is
contemplating operating into very short strips over high obstructions, it
would seem desirable to use about 3 deg flight path angle during visual
approaches as a routine matter, so as to develop a constancy of visual
reinforcement from the cues used during previous landing approaches.
However, it should be remembered that all runways are not necessarily
To obtain full value is developing and acquiring such cue
reinforcement, it follows that approaches of reasonable length should be
employed. Obviously a pilot doesn't need four or five mile long airline
type approaches, but neither should he bend her around onto final right
over the threshold unless he really knows his plane, the approach terrain,
and also wants to scare his passengers. If he uses an approach speed of 90
mph, a 2 mile approach in calm air will provide about 1 min 20 sec to get
everything squared away before touchdown - not very much time,
particularly at a strange airport, where there are no familiar cues to
help unravel the situation. A simple way to set up a 3 deg glide path
entry is to start the approach descent 2 mi out, at an altitude of about
550 ft above airport elevation. However, if a 1 mile approach is desired,
the pilot can cut the figure in half and line up with the runway at an
altitude of about 275 ft; a constant descent rate to touchdown from these
altitude points will follow a 3 deg slope.
Another factor that can sabotage the best intended approaches and
landings is crosswind and crosswind is a fact of life most of the time,
regardless of how many runways are available. Crosswind during an approach
can be handled by using one or a combination of several methods. One
method, of course, is to set in the required crab angle. The difficulty
with this type of wind correction is that variations in wind, as altitude
diminishes, require constant changes in heading. And changes in heading,
take appreciable time, time which may not be available.
Another method is to use sufficient slip (toward the windward side) to
compensate for crosswind drift. This requires less time for heading
changes but requires a fairly high degree of proficiency in cross-control.
This technique is favoured by many pilots because it keeps the airplane's
longitudinal axis (centreline) lined up with the runway, and requires no
last second de-crab manoeuvre just before touchdown. (The slip method also
saves tires and helps keep the windward wing down.)
However, regardless of which method is used - and sometimes, in
conditions of heavy crosswind, a combination of both must be used - the
amount of drift correction required can be detected easily by visually
noting whether the aircraft is aligned with the theoretical centreline of
the runway. A visual cue that may be used to detect alignment relates to
whether the runway image leans to either side of vertical,
or stands straight up. If the runway leans the approach path is not in
line with the centre of the runway - and sooner or later, an "S" turn will
have to be made in order to land on the runway centreline.
Visually determining where the flight path intersects the runway can be
difficult unless one knows where and what to look for. Some instructors
refer to it as the center of the expansion pattern ... an area of no
movement around which all portions of the terrain and runway expand or
move outward; in our study of the subject, the interception
point seems to lie in an area above which the runway seems to move
vertically toward the horizon and below which it expands toward the
approaching aircraft. Essentially, it is an area of the runway that has no
apparent vertical motion. Once a pilot has become consciously aware of
this visual cue and can use it with some degree of accuracy, the chance of
over or undershooting decreases.
However, for those who have difficulty in seeing this no movement area,
the old time-honoured technique of noting whether the runway threshold
raises or lowers with respect to the aircraft's nose may be used to obtain
a rough estimate of whether one is under- or overshooting. This procedure,
of course, requires a constant pitch attitude as well as a constant
(fixed) location of the pilot's eyes in relation to whatever portion of
the airplane he may be using as a reference point. For example, stretching
upward to see over the nose can change the pilot's vertical viewing angle
by several degrees, comparable to the visual effect of changing the
aircraft's pitch attitude by a like number of degrees.
During poor visibility conditions and particularly during night
approaches, a pilot can make doubly sure he doesn't under-run his glide
path by checking the altimeter and the vertical speed indicator
periodically. He should set his own VFR minimums relative to the airport
elevation, making sure he doesn't hit the 50 ft mark until he's over the
runway threshold. Also, using a descent rate not in excess of 400 to 500
fpm helps to prevent an inadvertently steep flight path. Even on clear,
but moonless nights, an approach into a black hole airport out in the
boondocks can be extremely hazardous unless the flight instruments are
scanned systematically until reaching the runway - because of the visual
illusions involved.
Flaring the airplane (gradually rounding out the flight path to one
that is parallel with the runway) is not difficult if the pilot knows
where the ground is. If he doesn't, he's in trouble. Some student and
private pilots try to overcome this lack of knowledge by driving their
plane into the runway, which is hard on the nose gear, and eventually on
the pocketbook.
Flare cues are primarily dependent on the angle at which the pilot's
central vision intersects the ground (or runway) ahead and slightly to the
side. Unfortunately, the why of this intercept angle is not
very well understood. However, it's been demonstrated in tests that if a
pilot looks constantly at the far end of the runway during his intended
flare, he may not flare at all. This is probably because, for example, a
vertical distance of 10 ft between his eyes and the ground only subtends
an angle of one eighth of a degree, measured at the end of a 5000 ft
runway, and his eye has difficulty resolving (seeing) changes in such a
small angle. To detect a left variation in vertical distance between his
wheels and the runway, would then require his visual detection of
one-eightieth of a degree change in angle - an impossible task!
On the other hand, if the pilot looks at the runway at a point too
close to his plane, he'll see nothing but a blur of passing runway surface
or he'll have the illusion that he's lower than he actually is. In either
case the aircraft will probably drop in hard as it runs out of flying
Although many pilots think that flare and landing cues are primarily
dependent on two eyed (binocular) depth perception, the cues used most are
those related to changes in runway or terrain perspective and to changes
in size of familiar objects near the landing area, such as fences, bushes,
trees, hangars, and even sod or runway texture.
With a little practice, monocular (one-eyed) vision works just as well
as the two eyed variety in putting an airplane down safely - and smoothly.
For the disbelieving, it might be interesting to note that - according to
current FAA medical records - 4005 one-eyed persons hold valid FAA pilot
certificates. Of these, 75 had first class medicals, 674 held second class
and 3256 held third class (student or private pilot) medical certificates,
and their safety record is just as good as that of their two-eyed
Many pilots who have good success in flaring at the proper altitude and
maintaining their wheels a few inches above the runway until eventual
touchdown do so by directing their central vision at a shallow downward
angle of from 10 to 15 deg toward the runway. As shown in Figure 7,
maintaining the same viewing angle causes the point of visual interception
with the runway to move progressively rearward toward the pilot as the
airplane loses altitude; this rate of rearward movement may be an
important cue in assessing the rate of altitude loss. Conversely, forward
movement of the visual interception point will indicate an increase in
altitude, and would be interpreted to mean the pilot had increased the
aircraft's pitch angle too rapidly, resulting in an overflare. Location of
this visual interception point in conjunction with assessment of flow
velocity of nearby off - runway terrain, as well as the similarity of
appearance of height above the runway ahead of the aircraft (in comparison
to the way it looked when the aircraft was taxied prior to take-off) may
also be used to judge when the wheels are just a few inches above the
To recap - consistently good landings require constancy in flight path
angle and airspeed. To attain this consistency, keep alert to the visual
cues that are necessary to the task ... if a pilot's having trouble with
his landings, it's a sure bet he's not looking in the right place at the
right time.
Visual cues - you may not even be conscious of them - are what guide
you to a touchdown, and they can be deceptive if you don't know how to
read them