how autogyros work
with our thanks to
Jeff Lewis
Though they share the same
basic controls as a fixed wing aeroplane - Stick, Throttle, and Rudder
pedals - Gyroplanes are totally different. Though the same basic control
inputs are needed as a fixed wing aeroplane, the Gyroplane is
significantly more nifty and manoeuvrable. Gyro pilots will routinely
perform manoeuvres such as steep turns which would leave their fixed wing
counterparts gasping for breath. As if that wasn't unusual enough in
itself, these manoeuvres are also performed without any of the
gut-wrenching changes in G force "enjoyed" by fixed wing pilots
motion of the rotor and the
resulting upward thrust, or lift,
depends entirely upon
autorotation, resulting from the
air flowing up and through the
slightly tilted rotor blades as
the machine moves forward.
Nature has applied the principle
of autorotation for millions of
years, seen in the whirling flight
of the sycamore seed as it falls
to the ground. Auto rotation slows
its descent and the wind has
greater opportunity to disperse
the seeds over a wider area.
windmill was probably the first
human invention which used
autorotation, by harnessing the
wind to produce rotary motion. The
idea of a flying windmill, where
rotating sails produced a wind to
lift the machine, had a certain
fascination with inventors, and
among Leonardo da Vinci's
thousands of drawings is an idea
for flight along these lines. The
real possibility for achieving
such a machine was, however,
delayed until development of the
airfoil and the airplane which
embodied this device.

windmill is basically an airscrew
or propeller working in reverse,
such that the air flowing over the
sails is deflected by them, and
exerts a force on the sails
pushing them around. The sails
effectively 'give way' to the wind
and are pushed round by it.
early as the Middle Ages, however,
it was realized that if the sail
Is were set at a verv flat angle
to the wind they would be made to
rotate against the airflow and
thus be 'pulled' round into the
wind. The principle here is the
same as with a sailing ship which
can 'tack' close to the wind,
meaning it can move forward
against the wind, at a shallow
angle to it, if the sails are
properly set. In much the same way
a glider moves forward as it
descends through the air.
rotor blades of an autogyro are
shaped to achieve the same effect,
and set at a shallow angle of
about two degrees to the
horizontal plane in which they
rotate. The shape is that of an
airfoil which enables the blades
to turn into the airflow rather
than be pushed round by it.
turning fast these rotor blades
offer considerable resistance to
the upward airflow, and it is
their resistance that can be used
to provide lift. The amount of
lift created depends upon a
compromise between the airspeed of
the rotors, and the resistance the
rotating blades offer to the
airflow past them. In practice the
desired lifting force is only
produced when the blade speed
greatly exceeds the forward speed
of the machine.

The vector diagram above
illustrates this phenomenon. (The
main diagram, and the diagram in
the lower right have been rotated
such that the plane of rotation
forms the horizontal axis. The
actual orientation of the rotor is
illustrated in the small diagram
in the top right.) The diagram in
the lower right shows the winds
relative to the rotor. Since the
rotor is spinning, there will be
relative wind due to this spin,
which is labelled as Relative Wind
due to Rotor. The Relative Wind
due to Aircraft Movement is due to
the fact that the aircraft is
moving forward, and the rotor is
mounted in such a way that the
plane of rotation is at a slight
angle to the direction the
aircraft is moving in. The sum of
these two vectors is the relative
wind to the airfoil, and is
labelled as Resultant Relative
Wind. The main diagram shows a
cross section of the rotor at a
point in time where it is moving
forward relative to the aircraft.
The Resultant Relative Wind from
the smaller diagram is shown on
this as the Relative Wind. Any
wind passing over an airfoil will
create both lift and drag. The
lift will be perpendicular to the
airflow, and the drag will be
parallel to the airflow. This is
true for all airfoils, not just
for the rotor in an autogyro. When
the lift and drag vectors are
added together, they create a
Resultant Force. In autorotation,
this resultant force is in front
of the Axis of Rotation, so in
addition to providing lift, it
also pulls the rotor forward. This
is in sharp contrast to the rotor
of a helicopter in forward flight.
A helicopter gets its propulsion
by tilting the rotor forward. This
angles the lift forward, giving
the helicopter forward propulsion.

take off the rotor must produce
adequate lift and it is necessary
therefore to bring the rotor up to
the required speed. This can be
done in two ways.
first and simplest way is to
propel the machine forward and, by
tilting the rotor system back,
making use of the airflow through
the blades to build up the rotor
speed. This, however, requires a
suitably long runway. A second
method involves more complex
machinery but makes possible very
short takeoff distances. Here the
rotor is brought up to speed by a
linkage to the engine used to
provide the forward motion. When
the rotor has the correct speed,
the linkage is disengaged. The
machine is then allowed to move
forward and take off is achieved
by tilting back the rotor system.
autogyros can 'jump start' by
over-speeding the rotor using the
engine. The drive is then
disengaged, and the rotor pitch
increased. The aircraft jumps,
using the stored energy, and
continues then in autorotation.
When the engine and
propeller speed are reduced,
the forward speed will
decrease and the autogyro
goes into a steady descent
path. The autorotation
principle still applies, as
the air flowing up and
through the rotor maintains
the rotorspeed. A lifting
force is therefore produced
which, although insufficient
to maintain the machine
altitude, prevents it from
falling like a stone. Even
when the propeller is
stopped, the autogyro will
descend safely, under full
control, from any altitude.

In this respect the autogyro
is at some advantage over
the helicopter since in the
case of the helicopter's
engine failure the 'climbing
pitch' angle of the rotors
(about 11 degrees) would
quickly stop them, with
disastrous results. To keep
his rotors turning the pilot
will have to quickly reduce
the pitch angle of his blades
to that which provides
'autorotation' for a safe
forced landing, but some
valuable height may be lost
in the process.