BAA - British Airports
BAeA - British Aerobatic Association.
BALPA - British Airline Pilots Association.
BAUA - Business Aircraft Users Association.
BCAR - British Civil Air Requirements. Airworthiness standards
laid down by the CAA for certification of aircraft on the UK Civil
Aircraft Register.
BCP - break cloud procedure.
BCPL - Basic Commercial Pilot's Licence, the minimum
qualification necessary in the UK to receive payment for acting as a
pilot. Also CPL, Commercial Pilot's Licence, and SCPL, Senior
Commercial Pilot's Licence (no longer issued).
beta mode - manually controlled mode for CS propellers on
turboprop aircraft enabling reverse pitch to be selected for braking
or to aid ground manoeuvring.
BFR - Biennial Flight Review (USA). Holders of U.S. FAA Private
Pilot Licences must undergo a flight check with an FAA approved
examiner every two years. No UK equivalent.
BGA - British Gliding Association.
BHAB - British Helicopter Advisory Board.
bhp - brake horsepower.
BHPA - British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association.
Bleed air - Hot compressed air taken from turbine engines.
BMAA - British Microlight Aircraft Association.
Bottlang - Loose leaf Euopean airfields manual for VFR
BRG - bearing, the horizontal direction to or from any point
expressed in degrees of the compass.
BWPA - British Women Pilots Association.