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MM 28 Mercury
M 38 Messenger & M 48
M 65 Gemini & M 75 Aries

Miles aircraft history, performance and specifications

Peter Amos
The story of Miles
Aircraft started at
Shoreham, in the
county of Sussex, in
1925, where, from
very small
beginnings, Mr. F.G.
Miles, one of the
sons of a laundry
owner at nearby
Portslade decided
that his future was
to be in aviation.
He then decided to
design and build his
own aeroplane, which
he called the Gnat.
It was a small
biplane and was
built in the
workshop of the
laundry with the
help of a few
friends but it was
destined never to be
Miles then decided
that he really ought
to learn to fly, so
he enlisted the help
of the now legendary
Cecil Pashley to
teach him in his
Avro 504K. Having
obtained his 'A'
licence, Miles lost
no time in
persuading Pashley
to help him to
operate a joy riding
business along the
south coast.
Miles then acquired
an Avro Baby
biplane, a number of
Avro 504K's and
other assorted
airframes, and then
decided that the
Baby could be
suitably modified to
make a really
aerobatic, sporty,
aeroplane this
became the Southern
Martlet, one of
which survives to
this day in flying
condition, at Old
Warden with the
Shuttleworth Trust.
His next venture,
after he had met and
married 'Blossom',
was the Satyr, a
very small and
highly aerobatic
biplane, which was
built for him by
George Parnall & Co.
of Yate in
In 1932, Miles met
Charles Powis, a
motor engineer who
had formed an
aviation business,
Phillips & Powis
Aircraft (Reading)
Ltd, in 1929, at
Woodley, near
Reading in
Berkshire. During
the course of
conversation they
agreed that what was
really wanted was a
cheap but modern,
light aeroplane for
the private owner
and aeroplane clubs.
By then MIles had
decided that the way
forward was with low
wing, cantilever,
monoplanes, to be
built of wood and so
the Miles Hawk was
born - the prototype
making its first
flight, from
Woodley, on 29th
March 1933.
Thurstan James, who
reviewed Don Brown's
book 'Miles Aircraft
since 1925', which
was published by
Putnam in 1970, for
'Aerospace'. His
views are very
similar to mine and
a better precise of
Miles Aircraft would
be hard to find:
No phenomenon of
British aircraft
deserves closer
study than the
outburst of the
Miles efflorescence
in the twenty years
between 1928 and
1948. In that time
47 different types
of Miles aeroplane
were flown and a
total of 5,644 were
built between 1929
and 1946. The story
is told in this
book. It tells how a
young man (F.G.Miles)
without training or
money but blessed
with unique talents
and energy, coupled
with those of his
wife (Blossom), the
aid of a gifted
brother (George) and
certain enthusiastic
adherents (among
whom the author of
this book was one)
revolutionised the
look of British
light aviation, grew
big enough to go
into partnership
with Rolls-Royce and
became a fully
fledged member of
the S.B.A.C.
The protagonists
learnt to fly before
they learnt to
design. They
test-flew their own
It was a long time
before Miles
aircraft were built
by a firm bearing
that name. In the
beginning was the
Gnat Aero Company.
This grew into
Southern Aircraft
Ltd. For what was
perhaps the firm's
finest hour it was
known as Phillips
and Powis Aircraft
of Reading - Charles
Powis of that
company played no
small part in the
Miles story, more
than appears in this
book. As one of
Putnam's pubilcaions
devised to give
maximum data about
aircraft types and
projects, this
volume succeeds in
full measure. Out of
ninety separate
types dealt with,
half are projects -
but what projects!
Outstanding was the
Supersonic Project
literally built
round a Whittle
turbine. DesIgned
during the closing
stages of World War
lI, it had been
ordered by the
Government with the
object of attaining
the hitherto
unbelievable speed
of 1,000 mph. After
the War ended,
Authority lost its
nerve and cancelled
the razer-winged
projectile before
completion so that
the Americans, whom
the same chicken
Authority enabled to
study the design,
got there first.
Subsequent tests
with the
models showed that
the straight-winged
Miles design could
have achieved its
goal. Its success
full-scale might
have altered the
whole pattern of
Britain's post war
aircraft progress.
Another Miles
design, two versions
of which flew but
was also rejected by
Authority, was the
remarkable Libellula
tandem-wing concept.
This promised much
by virtue of its
extended c.g. range
between the trailing
edge of the leading
wing and the leading
edge of the rear
wing, though some
people might find
something worrying
in the idea of a
aircraft in a
tightly banked turn.
A design, which
still has
potentialities over
twenty years later,
is the Miles M.68
Boxcar with its
mobile detachable
container, able to
be towed by road to
the aerodrome and
latched into place
on the airframe.
The essential
rightness of Miles
designs is shown by
the fact that though
Miles Aircraft
closed down in 1948,
there were in 1969
still 59 Miles
designs on the
British Register. It
seems designers who
can build and
test-fly their own
designs have a
certain something!
With regard to his
last comment, where
indeed could you
have found another
company then (and
almost certainly
none now), whose
Chairman & Managing
Director, Chief
Designer and his
assistant, could not
only design and
build a most
remarkable range of
very advanced,
innovative and
practical aircraft,
but who were also
qualified to test
fly them as well.
In December 1948,
Miles formed a new
company. F.G. Miles
Ltd, at Redhill
Aerodrome in Surrey,
and from there he
started all over
again. In 1952 he
started to move back
to Shoreham, where
it had all begun 27
years previously,
and from there, over
the ensuing years,
the business
developed into the
Miles Group of
Companies - but
that, as they say,
is another story.
From an
advertisement by
Miles Aircraft Ltd,
published in 1945:
Miles Hawk was
FIRST modern
aircraft to
sell for under
to fit split
flaps as
FIRST, second
and third in
King's Cup.
training in
the R.A.F.
Miles Kestrel
FASTEST in the
world -
296 m.p.h.
Miles Master
contract ever
placed for a
Miles M.20 was
FIRST and only
modern fighter
to be built in
9 weeks.
Miles M.28 was
aeroplane to
carry four
people at 160
and over 20
Libellula -
We must not
say, yet - but
be assured