The Assalto
Frati studied
at the Milan Polytechnic from 1938 to 1943
and graduated as a mechanical engineer-the
school didn't have an aeronautical section
till later. In the Milan Polytechnic was the
"Centro Studi ed Esperienze per il Volo a
Vela" (CVV), where Frati helped design
various sailplanes. During 1941-43, he
contributed to the design of the AL 12, a
military sailplane, and the Assalto
Radioguidato, a kind of flying bomb powered
by a big radial engine. A pilot was supposed
to get this monster airborne, then jettison
its landing gear and later bail out, leaving
the crew of another plane to direct the
"bomb" to its target by radio control. It
was an unsophisticated device, the
brainchild of the chief of staff of the
Italian Air Force, and intended to be used
against Allied shipping in the
Mediterranean. Five were built and two
flown, but they were never used in action.
By 1944 the war
was happily over for Italy, and Frati's old
school did now have an aeronautical section.
He was invited back as a deputy to the
professor and stayed ten years, teaching and
expanding his knowledge of aircraft design.
Thereafter he
became a freelance airplane designer,
selling his projects once they were
developed to whichever Italian manufacturer
wished to build them. The first was a
(frankly ugly) 20 hp motorglider, the Ditta
Movo F.M.1 Passero (Sparrow), which despite
its low power yet managed a 94 mph maximum
speed. The first of Frati's sleek low-wing
monoplanes was the 1951 F.4 Rondone (Swift),
two seats, all wood, with an 85 hp
Continental-although one Rondone was powered
with a 65 hp Walter Mikron engine from
Czechoslovakia. The prototype Rondone was
actually built by the gliding section of the
CVV in Milan. The ten or twenty production
Rondones had a C90 engine and were built by
Aeronaut. Lombarda and Ambrosini.

Ambrosini F.4 Rondone: 65 hp Walter Mikron
These Rondones
further established Frati's enduring
reputation for designing light planes with
phenomenal speed for the power. Their
maximum (on just 90 hp, remember) was 160
mph; and one, flown by Inginio Guagnellini,
actually held several world speed records in
the early 1950's, achieving 169 mph over

F.5 Trento
His next design
was an all-wood tandem two-seater powered by
a tiny high-revving French jet engine, a
Turbomeca Palas. This F.5 Trento had a
structure that was an adaptation of glider
techniques. The choice of wood was perhaps
not so bizarre as you might think: early
Marks of the very successful British de
Havilland Vampire jet fighter were also made
of wood. Only a prototype Trento was ever
built, in 1952 by Caproni-who twelve years
earlier, in 1940, had built Italy's first
"jet" aircraft, the N.1, which employed a
piston engine to drive a three-stage ducted
fan. The Trento had no mean performance: a
maximum of 242 mph on just 330 pounds of
Pasotti built
the sole prototype of the F.6 Airone
(Heron), a four-seat twin not unlike a
mini-Apache in appearance, but built
entirely of wood and powered by two
C90's-though it was offered with 105 hp
Walter Minors or 135 hp Lycoming 0290D's.
The F.7
designation was given to a three-seat
adaptation of the earlier F.4-still with the
C90. The F.7 first flew on February 10,
1954; ten were built by Pasotti.
F.8 was the
famous Falco (Hawk); and it was also the
first design to have quite unmistakably the
famous "Frati" look to it: beautifully
streamlined, marvelously slender and
graceful, with not an unnecessary extra
square inch of wetted area of cross-section.
The prototype Falco, with a C90, first flew
on June 15, 1955, which is nearly
twenty-five years ago. To better appreciate
how advanced it was, reflect that it was
exactly contemporary with the Tripacer!

F.8L Falco
The first
production Falco was the F.8L Series I, with
a 135 hp Lycoming 0-290-D2B and an enlarged
wing by comparison with the prototype; ten
of these were built by Aviamilano, and
twenty of the Series II with a 150 hp
Lycoming 0-320-A2A. Another company,
Aeromere, built sixty of the Series III
Falco America, which still had the 0-320 and
the fixed-pitch prop, but was in other ways
improved. The final production version was
the Super Falco Series IV, with the
0-320-B3B engine of 160 hp, a constant-speed
prop, and improved soundproofing. Twenty of
these were built by Laverda, motor scooter
manufacturers and successors to the old
Aeromere company.
The 1956 F.9
Sparviero (Sparrow Hawk) was a single-engine
version of the little Airone twin; one
example only was built, also by Pasotti. It
was powered by a big old 240 hp Hirth
inverted V-8, which gave it a maximum speed
of 200 mph; the Hirth was later replaced by
a 250 hp Lycoming GO-435-C2.

F.14 Nibbio
The prototype
F.14 Nibbio (Kite Hawk) first flew on
January 16, 1958. The Nibbio was clearly
derived from the Falco and was essentially a
scaled-up four-seat version of it with a 180
hp Lycoming and a 204 mph maximum speed. Ten
were built, with deliveries beginning in
1959. Cruise speed was 185 mph.
The first F.15
Picchio (Woodpecker) flew on May 7, 1959. It
was a three-seater with the same 160 hp
engine as the two-seat Falco, and with
hinge-up cabin doors instead of the Falco's
sliding canopy. It was the first Frati-designed
lightplane to have some metal in its
structure: a thin sheet of aluminum alloy
was bonded to the plywood skin as a tough
exterior shell. Procaer built the Picchio:
fifteen of the F.15 three-seater version
with the 160 hp Lycomings, 54 F.15A's with
four seats and a 180 hp Lycoming and a 195
mph top speed; and 35 F.15B's with increased
wing area, enlarged wing tanks and, in
consequence, a 6 mph slower speed but 110
pounds more useful load, at 1,100 pounds.
This B model also had all-metal control
surfaces, and it was the first Frati design
to gain an FAA type certificate. There was
also an F.15C model with a 260 hp
Continental IO-470-E.
It was a
Picchio, you may remember, that the great
Max Conrad was ferrying across the Atlantic
when he had engine problems in mid-ocean. He
was able to nurse it as far as the Greenland
coast, where he put it down gear-up on a
glacier and was happily rescued unhurt.

F.400 Cobra
Procaer also
built the 1960 F.400 Cobra, an exciting
two-seat jet powered by an 880 pound thrust
Turbomeca Marboré engine. Maximum speed was
360 mph, economy cruise 236 mph, useful load
1,323 pounds, initial climb 2,350 fpm. The
Cobra had the same kind of structure as the
Picchio, metal-clad wood; but there seems to
have been no more of a market for wooden
two-seat jets in 1960 than there had been
eight years earlier. The Cobra came to
naught: the prototype was destroyed in a
crash, and the second prototype, with four
seats and a 1,058 pound thrust engine, was
never completed.

Stelio Frati designed in metal. He had done
marvelous work in wood: that slight,
graceful airframe of the Falco was actually
stressed to an ultimate 8.7g at gross
weight, 9.4g at aerobatic weight; yet
equipped and ready to fly, it weighs no more
than 1,200 pounds empty. You and I may know
that wood is as fine a material for
airplanes as metal-in some important ways,
better-but the mass of the buying public has
doubts about the durability of wood and
prefers metal airframes. In the end you must
give the market what it wants. And certainly
Stelio Frati's first all-metal airplane has
been a considerable success, built and sold
in larger numbers than any of his previous
designs. Its prototype was named the F.250
(because it was powered by a 250 hp Lycoming)
and first flew on July 15, 1964.
airplanes, all built by SIAI Marchetti, had
a 260 hp Lycoming and became the SF.260.
Those first off the line were designated the
SF.260A and were for the civil market; but
the bulk of the production run has been the
SF.260M version, a two/three seat military
trainer version bought by a dozen different
air forces for teaching students basic
flying skills, IFR, aerobatics, night and
formation flying. There is a tactical
version with weapon pods, the SF.260W
Warrior; and a surveillance and rescue
variant with radar and photo-recon gear in
wing-tip pods, the SF.260SW Sea Warrior.
While you can still buy a purely civilian
SF.260 from the SIAI Marchetti factory, the
type has in truth become too expensive for
the private owner, at some $140,000.
The SF.260 has
the same fabulous handling and aerobatic
capabilities as the Falco, and a 75% cruise
at best altitude of 214 mph in the civilian
version; the useful load, though, is modest
for a 260 hp airplane at 1,650 pounds.
imported into the United States were
marketed as the "Waco Meteor"-a bizarre
fantasy on the part of the importer, one
Alexander Berger, for there was no possible
connection with the fine old Waco airplanes
of the 1930's. In recent years two of these
"Waco Meteors" have been seen at U.S. air
shows performing an aerobatic duet of
synchronized maneuvers. Girl racer Mary
Knapp had one and used to come in second
only to Judy Wagner's hot
Bonanza-performance indeed. The aircraft
holds several world speed records in its
class: 1,000 km closed circuit at 200.04
mph, 100 km at 229.6 mph, and Las Vegas to
Los Angeles as a point-to-point record at
214.08 mph. The SF.260's book max is some
thirty mph better than a stock Bonanza with
the same power.

Stelio Frati and the
rest of General Avia ("My family", says
In 1970 Stelio
Frati set up the General Avia company and
bought a well-equipped shop where with the
help of a staff of two dozen, he now builds
his own prototypes. First of these was the
F.20 Pegaso (Pegasus), a 5-6 seat twin with
two big 300 hp Continentals. Though it
gained Italian and FAA certification, the
company that was to have built the Pegaso,
Italair, was unable to find the necessary
financing and has closed its doors.
Frati's latest
is the F.600 Canguro (Kangaroo), a high-wing
fixed-gear utility twin with two 310 hp
Lycomings-a project much along the lines of
the Britten-Norman Islander. In addition, he
is continuing to develop the Picchio. The
1968 F.15E model of this had a structure
completely re-engineered in metal, and 300
hp; the latest variant is the F.15F Delphino
(Dolphin) with 200 hp and a sliding canopy
like the Falco and the SF.260 instead of the
Picchio's original hinged doors. However
there are as yet no firm plans to
manufacture the Delphino.
This brief
canter through the different designs of
Stelio Frati reads necessarily rather like a
catalogue, for which my apologies. But even
among European pilots the full range of his
work is little-known; and any discussion of
one of his designs (the Falco, for instance)
invariably starts someone wondering aloud
what else he has done. My account here is, I
think, the first listing in English of
Frati's designs.
If you are
surprised that so many of his excellent
designs never made it into production, that,
I'm sorry to say, is the European way. The
market for general aviation craft in Europe
is far smaller than in the USA, and Stelio
Frati's record of some 750 fine lightplanes
commercially manufactured and sold from his
designs is one matched by few other European
Signor Frati
is, by the way, an excellent pilot, who
qualified originally in one of his own
designs--a Falco.