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Ken Royce
Rearwin Junior
Rearwin Speedster
Rearwin Sportster
Rearwin Cloudster
Rearwin Skyranger |

Rearwin aircraft performance and specifications

Rearwin Airplanes was founded by Raymond
Andrew ("Rae") Rearwin in 1928. Following
Charles Lindbergh's historic transatlantic
flight in 1927, the world's fascination with
aviation grew significantly. Moreover, the
Air Commerce Act of 1926 established the
government certification program of pilots
and aircraft that gave the fledgling
industry safety and legitimacy.
Employing his two sons, Royce and Ken, the
small company designed and built over 400
airplanes, including instrument trainers and
gliders, despite the devastating effects of
the Great Depression.
Rae Rearwin sold the company to the Empire
Ordinance Company in 1942. The company built
about 275 more Skyrangers under the
Commonwealth name before they closed their
doors in 1946.