This version of the nine cylinder G Cyclone
R-1820-G2, has a rating of 1,000 horsepower for
Wright Aeronautical Corporation, Paterson, N. J.,
the aircraft engine manufacturing division of the
Curtiss-Wright Corporation, announced that during
the first six months of 1936 more than 1,300 of
their Wright Whirlwinds and Cyclones had been sold
to aircraft manufacturers, air line operating
companies and military services throughout the
world. These orders represented the sale of more
than 1,077,000 h.p. More than 1,000 of the 1,300
engines sold were of the Wright Cyclone type, used
extensively in large air transports and military
aircraft. The orders for 1,000 Cyclones were
believed to represent a new peace time sales
record for high-powered aircraft engines over a
six months period. Of this number over 700 were
Cyclones of the 1,000 h.p. type which was released
for domestic and commercial sale during the
summer. Designated as the Wright Series G Cyclone,
the 1,000 h.p. model was introduced to the
commercial market on the 10th anniversary of the
Cyclone Series. To date the Wright Aeronautical
Corporation has produced over 25,000 engines of
which over 11,000 were of the radial aircooled
Over 600 of the 1,000 h.p. Cyclones on order were
scheduled for delivery to the U. S. Army for
installation in the new Douglas B-18 twin
engine and Boeing B-17 four-engine bombers. Others
were used to power the Douglas DC-3 DST transports
placed in service by American Airlines. During
1936 the Wright Aeronautical Corporation produced
five distinct series of aircraft engines. They
were the Wright Cyclones F and F-50 and the Wright
Cyclone G Series high-powered, nine cylinder
radial aircooled engines; the single-row Whirlwind
series of five, seven and nine cylinders; the 14
cylinder Wright double-row Whirlwind Series, and
the Curtiss Conquerors.
The Wright G Cyclone Series represented the latest
aircooled aircraft engine developed by the
company. Although of the same displacement (1,820
cubic inches) as the F and the F-50, the G Series
engines incorporated many refinements and
improvements in design principal. Among them was a
new cylinder which has a cooling fin area of 2,800
square inches against 1,000 square inches in other
Cyclone models. Advancement in foundry technique
in the Wright Aeronautical foundry, made possible
the casting of cooling fins on the G cylinder head
as closely spaced as the teeth on a comb and
nearly two inches in depth over the combustion
chamber. Cylinder barrels were of Nitralloy steel,
nitrided to obtain a cylinder bore with a surface
with three times the wear resistance of ordinary
heat-treated cylinder barrels. Five large
nitriding furnaces were installed to accommodate
the daily output of Cyclone G cylinders. More
accurate fuel control and the improved cylinder
heads on the G Cyclone engine permitted a rating
of 1,000 h.p. at take-off with a weight in certain
models of 1.07 pounds per horsepower and fuel
consumption of .43 pounds per horsepower at
cruising speed.
Other features of the design and construction of
the G Series Cyclones were automatic lubrication
of the valve gear from a built-in system devoid of
all external lines or tubes, mechanism for the
operation of two-position hydro-control and
constant speed propellers, an accessory section
provided with the driving mechanism necessary to
meet all of the requirements of modern military
and civil transport service, the dynamic damper
counterweight which counteracts torsional
vibration at all crankshaft speeds and removes all
restrictions in the operating range, full pressure
baffling of the cylinders, improved oil seals and
refinements in the supercharger and induction
systems to increase altitude performance.
The G Cyclone was produced in four geared models
and their direct drive counterparts. These were
the Cyclone GR-1820-G1 rated at 940 h.p. for
take-off, 825 h.p. at sea level, and 850 h.p. at
3,000 feet; the Cyclone GR-1820-G2 rated at 1,000
h.p. for takeoff, 810 h.p. at sea level, and 850
h.p. at 5,500 feet; the Cyclone GR-1820-G3 rated
at 875 h.p. for take-off, and 840 h.p. at 8,700
feet; and the Cyclone GR-1820-G6 rated at 820 h.p.
for take-off and 815 h.p. at 10,500 feet.
The various G Cyclone models differ only with
respect to the amount of supercharging applied.
The G-1 has a blower gear ratio of 5.95 to 1; the
G-2 a blower ratio of 7 to 1; the G-3 a blower
ratio of 8.31 to 1 and the G-6 a blower ratio of
8.83 to 1. All the G Series engines are of the
nine-cylinder radial aircooled type and have the
following characteristics: bore, 6.125 inches;
stroke, 6.875 inches; compression ratio, 6.45 to
I; diameter, 54 1/4 inches; length, 43 1/4 inches;
dry weight (geared) 1,163 pounds, (direct drive)
1,068 pounds.
The F-50 Series Cyclone was produced in four
direct drive models and their geared counterparts.
These were the Cyclone R-1820-F52 rated at 890 h.p.
for take-off, 745 h.p. at sea level, and 775 h.p.
at 5,800 feet; the Cyclone R-1820-F53 rated at 785
h.p. for take-off, 685 h.p. at sea level, and 745
h.p. at 9,600 feet; the Cyclone R-1820-F54 rated
at 655 h.p. for take-off, 605 h.p. at sea level,
and 690 h.p. at 15,300 feet; and the Cyclone
R-1820-F56 rated at 785 h.p. for take-off, 695 h.p.
at sea level, and 755 h.p. at 11,300 feet.
Like the engines of the G Cyclone Series, the
models of the F-50 Series are identical except for
the amount of supercharging applied. All are
nine-cylinder radial, aircooled engines. The F-52
has a blower gear ratio of 7 to 1; the F-53, a
blower gear ratio of 8.31 to 1; the F-54 a blower
gear ratio of 10 to 1, and the F-56, a blower gear
ratio of 8.83 to 1. Characteristics common to all
F-50 models are: bore, 6.125 inches; stroke, 6.875
inches; compression ratio, 6.40 to I; diameter, 54
1/8 inches; dry weight, (geared) 1,070 pounds,
(direct drive) 975 pounds.

This seven-cylinder model has ratings of 235, 250,
285 and 320-350 horsepower.
The single-row Whirlwind models of five, seven,
and nine cylinders, which have been under
development for over 16 years, were also refined
during 1936. The ratings of the series were:
five-cylinder 175 h.p.; seven-cylinder 235 h.p.;
250 h.p., 285 h.p. and 320-350 h.p. The
nine-cylinder Whirlwinds of 330 h.p., 365 h.p.,
and 420-450 h.p. were characterized as "deluxe
equipped" Whirlwinds due to their many standard
and special features. These engines were provided
with automatic valve gear lubrication, a new type
of nose exhaust collector ring with built-in
carburettor intake and air heater, dynamic damper
counterweight, mechanism for the operation of the
two-position hydro-control propeller, a three-way
drive for the operation of a vacuum pump, a fuel
pump, and a constant speed propeller governor,
full pressure baffles provided with blast tubes
for the cooling of the accessories and ventilation
of the engine compartment and heating or cooling
and ventilation of the cabin of the airplane; two
mounting diameters provided by two sets of
mounting lugs, the larger of which, corresponding
with that of the Cyclone, provides greater
accessibility in installations where the engine is
mounted in rubber; complete radio shielding for
ignition wiring, spark plugs, and magnetos, and
the dynamic damper.
Some of these features are also provided in the
Whirlwinds of 250 h.p., 285 h.p., 330 h.p. and 365
h.p. The following specifications are common to
all Whirlwinds, parts of which are over 90 per
cent interchangeable: bore, 5 inches; stroke, 5.5
inches and diameter, 45 inches. Weights,
compression and blower ratios vary with individual
Development was continued in the higher horsepower
categories with the double row Whirlwinds designed
for military service. These engines now have
ratings as high as 900 h.p. for take-off and 800
h.p. at 6,000 feet.
The Curtiss Conqueror, a 12 cylinder V-type
engine, used by the Army Air Corps for
installation in high speed combat planes, was
offered as a geared engine rated at 655 h.p. and
675 h.p. The Conqueror is the only liquid-cooled
engine built on a production basis in the United
States. It may be operated with either water or
Prestone as the coolant.
The factory and foundry of the Wright Aeronautical
Corporation at Paterson, N. J., comprises more
than 650,000 square feet of floor space. During
1936 the Wright Company pioneered in the
installation of Magnaflux testing equipment for
the inspection of steel parts, nitriding equipment
and furnaces to provide a super-hard bore in
Cyclone cylinder barrels and machinery for the
grinding of studs. All steel parts of Wright
engines are subjected to the Magna flux test which
shows up defects which might not be discernible
under microscopes of 10 to 20 diameter enlargement
strengths. The Wright installation of Magnaflux
equipment, like its installation of nitriding
equipment, were the first to be made in this
During 1936 the Wright Aeronautical Corporation
also, set up a modern experimental testing
laboratory which is equipped to make endurance
tests on engines of outputs up to 2,500 h.p.