Take-off IAS(Flaperons up)at
MAUW 40 kts
Power off stall speeds Flaperons
down 33 kts
Flaperons up 35 kts
Maximum Flaperon Deployment IAS
70 kts
Best Rate of Climb IAS (Flaperons
up) 60 kts
Best Angle of Climb IAS (Flaperons
up) 55 kts
Best Angle of Climb IAS (Flaperons
down) 50 kts
Manoeuvre IAS (Va) 65 kts
Rough Air IAS 65 kts
113 kts
Maximum Normal Acceleration 3.9
Minimum Water Temperature 100
deg F
Maximum Water Temperature 225
deg F
Maximum Permitted RPM 6800 for
Maximum Continuous RPM 6500
Cruise RPM 5800
Normal EGT 1200 deg F
Maximum Permitted EGT (100 LL)
1350 deg F
above figures are for the 65 hp
Rotax 582 engine.
Master Switch On
Fuel ON
Prime - 3 Squirts
Electric Fuel Pump ON
Throttle 1/4 open
Stick Back (difficult to achieve
with centre stick)
Toe Brakes Applied
Mag. Switches ON
Press Starter
not idle the engine below 2200
RPM. The throttle closed idle
RPM should be 2000.
Minimum Water Temperature for
Taxying 100 deg F
for Cold Start but do not
exercise primer.
Switches OFF
Fuel OFF
Throttle Fully Open
Wait 15 minutes before
attempting another start using
the Hot Start Procedure.
Idle at 2200 RPM for two minutes
to allow the engine to cool
Mags. OFF
Master Switch OFF
Fuel OFF
Remainder of Switches OFF
The RANS S-10 cockpit is long
and rather narrow making it a
tight fit laterally for two
people, and requiring even tall
pilots to use back cushions, or
some form of back pack in order
to reach the rudder pedals,
instrument panel switches, and
the main fuel cock. The unusual
cockpit size and shape, coupled
with the non-adjustable
raked-back bench type seat, the
single centrally-mounted control
column, and the non-adjustable
rudder pedals, generate
potential handling difficulties
which are covered in detail in
the Annex to these notes.
A written brief on these
potential difficulties is kept
in the cockpit of G-BWIA for
ease of reference and is a
condition of validity of the
Permit to Fly.
2. The view ahead when taxying
is good, but the view to the
right from the left seat and
vice-versa is restricted and it
is necessary to 'weave' to clear
the side areas near the taxying
path. Taxying is straightforward
using normal tail wheel
configuration techniques.
However, the wheel brakes are
virtually ineffective and of
little use to assist turning.
The small main wheels can easily
fall into ruts and small holes.
The propellor tip is 11 3/4 ins
above the ground with the tail
down, and 5 ins above the ground
in the flying attitude. Great
care is therefore needed to
avoid striking the propellor on
the ground when taxying, taking
off, and landing on rough
3. With the elevator trim set to
neutral and the stick held
central open the throttle
smoothly, and anticipate a mild
swing to the right. There is
adequate directional control in
cross winds up to 10 knots from
either side but until experience
is gained 5 knots cross wind
should be used as the limit.
Avoid over-controlling
directionally during the
take-off. Raise the tail
slightly as the aircraft
accelerates through around 20
knots, maintain a tail down
attitude, and unstick at 40
The aircraft accelerates quite
rapidly and on reaching the
climbing speed of 60 knots raise
the nose well above the horizon
to continue the climb. The rate
of climb approaches 1000 ft/min
at MAUW at low OATs.
The rather heavy ailerons and
light elevator forces become
evident as soon as the climb is
established. It is not difficult
to maintain balanced flight in
the climb.
4. The Sakota cruises in a
slightly nose down attitude. At
5800 RPM IAS is in the region of
80 knots.
During descent do not keep the
throttle closed for long periods
but set about 4000 RPM and vary
the power with small throttle
movements around this figure.
This technique should prevent
carburettor icing and will keep
the engine warm. Use short
bursts of full throttle every
1000 feet during long descents.
Do not allow the water
temperature to fall below 100
deg F.
6. Fly the circuit at 80 knots
(5600 - 5800 RPM will be
required depending upon weight).
If the flaperons are used for
landing lower them on the base
leg. The flaperons control is
difficult to reach with the
shoulder straps tight. Fly a
powered approach at 60 knots.
Aim to cross the threshold as
50-55 knots. Close the throttle,
flare, and hold off in the
landing attitude. The change of
pitch attitude in the flare and
round out is quite small. Always
land in the three point attitude
to avoid the possibility of a
propellor strike on touch down.
A three point landing is
straightforward, with or without
a cross wind, using standard
tail wheel technique. Use of the
flaperons for landing makes
little difference to the pitch
change needed to achieve the
three point attitude. However,
the landing run can be slightly
reduced with flaperons down.
Glide approaches should be flown
at 65 knots with the flaperons
At MAUW the Sakota stalls at 35
knots, flaperons up, with power
off. With flaperons down the
power off stalling speed is 32
knots. Light pre-stall buffet
starts at 38 knots. No
significant wing drop occurs and
recovery is immediate on
lowering the nose. Recovery from
the incipient stall using full
power can be achieved with less
than 100 ft height loss.
G-BWIA has a good climb
performance, the stall is docile
with adequate buffet warning,
and the controls are responsive
but rather badly harmonised. The
aileron forces are too high for
comfort when flying in
turbulence but the elevator and
rudder forces are about right.
the forward C of G limit of
61.88 ins AOD the aircraft is
stable in pitch. As the C of G
moves aft pitch stability
decreases to the point where at
the aft limit of 65 ins AOD
pitch stability is negative and
the aircraft becomes more
difficult and tiring to fly for
long periods and in turbulence.
Entering the cockpit and
settling in comfortably is
particularly awkward for two
occupants. The aircraft has no
cockpit heater and is rather
Until experience is gained the
Sakota should not be flown in
crosswinds of more than 5 knots
from either side. With
experience these limits could be
increased to 10 knots. The
aircraft is hard work to fly in
turbulence because of its low
inertia, relatively high aileron
forces, and weak pitch
stability. Therefore, a maximum
surface wind speed of 15 knots
is a comfortable limit,
particularly for pilots
inexperienced on the type.
March 1998
1. The single centrally
positioned control column in G-BWIA,
coupled with the raked back
bench type side-by-side
non-adjustable seat, generate
the possibility of restricting
movement of the control column
rearwards in the following
1.1. When flown dual, or with a
passenger, full rearward
movement of the stick can be
restricted by the non- flying
person's arm unless the arm is
held across the body. The RANS
S10 is therefore unsatisfactory
when used for dual instruction
since the instructor cannot take
control rapidly in all
1.2. The raked back seat, and
unusually large distance from
the base of the seat back to the
rudder pedals, make it necessary
for even tall pilots to use some
form of back pack or cushion to
bring their body forward so that
switches on the instrument
panel, and the fuel cock, can be
reached with the shoulder
harness tight. Moreover, a thick
cushion or back pack obstructing
the space between the pilots can
restrict rearward control column
movement when the control column
is held normally since the
operating pilot's forearm cannot
move far enough back.
2. Pilots operating G-BWIA are
to be aware of the above hazards
and brief passengers, and adjust
seating arrangements